“I can see clearly now” by Alison Forsyth

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The eyes are the window to your soul

as William Shakespeare famously wrote.  If this is true, then it makes sense to ensure that the windows are kept clean and in working order.

All too many of us take our eyesight for granted, until that is, our eyes stop functioning as well as they used to.  The deterioration in their performance can often be so gradual that we don’t notice it until it is advanced and / or we just accept it as part of the natural aging process.  Yet very few of us would dispute the importance of caring for our eyes and eyesight.

The causes of diseases of the eyes and the resulting compromise in vision are manifold.  They include external factors such as hot, dry, or dusty environments, spending long hours in air conditioning or working in fluorescent lighting.  Activities such as straining one’s eyes working in dim light or staring for long periods at VDUs can likewise damage one’s sight.  The majority of us are aware that some foods are good for our vision (such as carrots and blueberries) but over-consumption of other foods such as garlic and eggs can also impair our ability to see clearly. Exposure to higher-than-normal levels of mercury, lead and phosphorous have been shown to cause eye problems. Perhaps less appreciated by most of us is how strong and prolonged emotions can harm one’s eyesight too.  

Both acupuncture and conventional medicine offer tried and tested treatments for many ocular disorders.  However, for some eye conditions, conventional medicine is unable to propose any treatment, whilst acupuncture can offer highly effective solutions.  And yet, very few people think of approaching an acupuncturist for treatment for eye conditions.

In traditional Chinese acupuncture, each of the points on the paths of energy around the body (meridians) has a name.  This name gives an indication of the energetic quality of the point not only on the physical level but on the mind and spirit / emotional levels as well.  For instance, one of the points close to the eyes is called ‘Eyes Bright’ highlighting that needling this point has the benefit of helping the patient to see clearly in both the physical and mental senses.  The implication is that if the eyes are clear and healthy, the mind and spirit of the person are healthy too.

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes

- Paramahansa Yogananda

If you are suffering with an eye condition and would like to discuss whether acupuncture treatment might be able to help, please contact;

           Alison Forsyth

            E: innersphereacu@btinternet.com

            T: 07918 110 926

            W: innersphereacupuncture.co.uk